The Complete Educator’s Guide to Using Google Reader : The Edublogger
iPhone/iPad AppGuides by AppAdvice
"AppAdvice simplifies the cluttered App Store to help you pick only the best apps to download."
Thoughts, ideas, and resources that I deem worthy of sharing from the passing educational scene.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
What Tim Found Today 01/07/2012
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
What Tim Found Today 01/04/2012
American Democracy in Action- Student Wiki Textbook
Students are writing their own textbooks. This one by The Advanced Placement United States GovernmentElectronic Textbook created by theSt. Gregory College Preparatory School'sSenior AP Government Class 2010
tags: socialstudies textbooks digitaltextbooks wikis wikiexamples apushistory projectideas post2blog
Running for Office - Lessons With Cartoons and Videos
tags: socialstudies lessonplans elections post2blog politicalcartoons