Thoughts, ideas, and resources that I deem worthy of sharing from the passing educational scene.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
November 2, 2011 4:10:28 AM
2EPUB allows teachers and students to convert PDF, doc and other types of documents and books to ePub format, the standard format for ebooks, supported by almost every reading device including iPad, iPhone, iPod, Sony Reader, BeBook, Nook, Kobo (for Kindle use .mobi). This simple program (Windows only) makes it really easy and quick to convert content to an E-reader.
What Tim Found Today 11/08/2011
Life in a Technology Embedded Classroom: Science | Powerful Learning Practice
tags: technologyintegration projectideas projectideas* science* science projectideas** post2blog
Cool Classroom Projects With Skype
tags: skype projectideas post2blog
5 Steps to Harnessing the Power of Cell Phones for Learning
tags: cellphones cellphones* cellphones** sessionprep* sessionprep sessionideas* sessionideas 21ctaskforce technologyleadership administration post2blog
Arcade Game/Quiz/Flashcard Generator
tags: interactive* interactiveresources interactive iwb iwb* post2blog creatinteractiveresources* createinteractiveresources