information and tips for internet safety, how your data is collected and used online, how Google uses data, and how to manage your data and what you share with web sites and Google.
How A Flipped Classroom Actually Works [Interview] | Edudemic
Four Ideas For Using Online Tools to Extend the Classroom | The eLearning Site
Thoughts, ideas, and resources that I deem worthy of sharing from the passing educational scene.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
What Tim Found Today 12/22/2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
What Tim Found Today 12/21/2011
Use technology to communicate lesson plans to substitute teachers
tags: lessonplans substituteteachers lessonsforsubs teacherproductivity post2blog
Create your own iPad keyboard for less than $10! - iPads in Education
tags: ipad ipadkeyboard post2blog
Teaching Channel: Videos, Lesson Plans and Other Resources for Teachers
tags: teacherresources teachingchannel lessonplans pln post2blog
iPad Academy - Learn How to Use the iPad | Tutorials, Tips & Training
tags: ipad ipadacademy post2blog
Using Tech To Meet Parents Where They Are | Connected Principals
tags: socialmedia administration communication parentteachercommunication facebook twitter textmessages post2blog
Courageous Conversation: Formative Assessment and Grading | Edutopia
tags: flippedclassroom youtube youtubeannotations youtubetimelinemarkers post2blog
How to use YouTube annotations - YouTube
tags: youtube youtubeannotations howto useyoutubeannotations post2blog